Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas
Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas
Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas
Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas
Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas
Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas
Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas
Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas

Wedding centerpiece ideas can come from a variety of places--from florists, craft sites, friends, other weddings, photos, and books. There is a wealth of information on wedding centerpieces out there, but there is one important principle everyone can follow when designing a wedding centerpiece: the centerpiece should reflect you as a bride or a couple.

How to Display Wedding Centerpieces

Wedding centerpieces can be placed in a variety of vases, bowls, dishes, planters, and containers. It is definitely possible to create an elegant centerpiece using an unusual container. Even at a formal wedding, centerpieces don't have to be too serious.

Centerpieces can be beautiful using a variety of objects. Flowers aren't the only thing that can be used--candles, rocks, shells, small objects, glass beads or rocks, water, moss, sand, and wood all work in wedding centerpieces.

Wedding centerpieces can sit on the table themselves or on top of other objects such as glass, mirrors, fabric, a nest of twigs, fabric (like colorful bandanas, retro prints or elegant solid sheers), paper, or moss. The possibilities are endless when it comes to centerpieces; don't think you have to be traditional. The great thing about them is that you can personalize your wedding without having to take too many risks. While some people make their weddings memorable by choosing unusual songs or dancing up the aisle, you can choose to have a traditional wedding with unique centerpieces. If you are more the traditional type and less of a risk taker, this is the place to express creativity.