Unusual Wedding Centerpieces Ideas
Unusual Wedding Centerpieces Ideas
Unusual Wedding Centerpieces Ideas
Unusual Wedding Centerpieces Ideas
Unusual Wedding Centerpieces Ideas
Unusual Wedding Centerpieces Ideas
Unusual Wedding Centerpieces Ideas
How to Create Unique Wedding Table Centerpieces
Wedding centerpiece ideas can come from a variety of places--from florists, craft sites, friends, other weddings, photos, and books. There is a wealth of information on wedding centerpieces out there, but there is one important principle everyone can follow when designing a wedding centerpiece: the centerpiece should reflect you as a bride or a couple.
Ideas for Unusual Wedding Centerpieces
*A cupcake stand with mini spray painted flower pots on each pedestal filled with flowers, candies or a variety of different objects
*Inexpensive glass vases filled with colored water of varying heights
*Origami cranes in a variety of sizes attached to thin wooden dowels and placed in a flower pot (floral foam in the bottom) or a vase
*Bare light wood branches placed in "earthy" pots with floral foam in bottom; cover foam with floral moss--these can also be spray painted in any color or have photos hanging from them or Christmas ornament favors displayed on them
*Galvanized pails with a large chunk of colorful grosgrain ribbon around them; southern brides can fill with small Coca-Cola bottles and bags of peanuts. Other fillings might include an arrangement of colorful glass bottle sodas (they don't have to be cold--they're just to look at), sand or floral foam and taper candles of varying heights, pinwheels of varying colors and types or they can be stuffed with paper on the bottom and filled with different candies, cookies, or treats
*A flower pot, tub or container with floral foam on the bottom and various flavors of old-fashioned candy sticks or giant swirl lollipops stuck inside
*A giant wooden or foam letter representing the couple's last name spray painted any color
*A centerpiece that displays pride for the city where you met--miniature St. Louis arches, a bowl of baseballs for Chicago, a bowl of matchbox cars for Indianapolis, a bowl of mini bagels for New York. Think about what makes your city unique and go