Guest Post by Jessica Best
When wedding bells are fast approaching, one of the biggest worrieson a brides mind is fitting into ‘that’ perfect wedding dress. With all thestress of wedding preparations, it’s no wonder blushing brides-to-be find itdifficult to get the perfect shape up routine in place. Luckily, with a few ofthese basic tips you will be toning and tightening your way to the wedding ofyour dreams!
Remove soda and alcoholfrom your diet
Yes, before we even get started on the exercise tips addressing theissue of calorie containing, nutrient starved beverages is foremost.Preparation for weight loss, and skin purifying starts with the removal of Sodaand alcohol from your diet. The sugary drinks offer nothing nutritionally foryour body and they can hinder your motivation to work out. Opt for plain water,green tea and fresh vegetable juices which contain great detox and moodenhancing properties. Aim to drink 2L of water a day and extra if you areexercising.
Limit your stress
Planning a wedding is no easy feat, so during times of stress andimmense pressure try to remember, this is about the bond between two people inlove. Don’t sweat the small stuff! On the big day it won’t bother you if theflowers are one shade off what you originally wanted. Stress leads to skinproblems as well as over-eating which, we all know causes weight gain. So focuson remaining calm, relaxed and focused.
Employ the help of atrainer
Whether you are new to exercise, or a seasoned pro, everybody canbenefit from hiring a trainer for the pre-wedding shape up. Having a personaltrainer will boost motivation and commitment levels, keeping you focused, ontime and ultimately seeing results. A trainer will also tailor a workout toyour specific needs, toned arms are important for a strapless wedding dressesor maybe you are looking to lose 10lb for that honeymoon bikini. Shop aroundand find a trainer that you really connect with, ask as many questions as youneed and never be shy to tell them what you want. Whatever the goal, a trainerwill have you well on your way to looking and feeling great.
Add swimming to yourworkout routine
If you have time to add some extra exercise into your workoutschedule, don’t go past swimming. Not only is swimming fantastic for toningarms and legs, it’s also a great form of stress relief. Water offers peace andtranquility use this opportunity to think and have space away from the world.
Plan your workout scheduleand menu
Keeping on track is difficult, especially when you’re busy makingwedding preparations. By organizing your time efficiently you know where you’resupposed to be and there will always be enough time to get your workoutcompleted. Planning also lets you monitor your progress, seeing this successwill keep you motivated. By planning your food you won’t be tempted to grabtakeaways or skip meals.
Enjoy your wedding!
As the date grows nearer, and the excitement mounds make sure youtake the time to smile, nothing is more attractive than a genuinely happybride, so remember this for the big day. Most importantly enjoy your weddingand the celebration of all your hard work, congratulations!
Guest post by Jess at MAX Fitness College, a school specialising in personaltraining courses for people who are looking at starting afitness business.