Your DIY Wedding Bouquet

                             Guest Post by Breanna Gunn              

So you’re being frugal about your wedding. Good for you! Ihad less than $3000 available for my big day,which meant that my entire day was DIY. And that was before DIY weddings werecool. There are lots of wonderful tutorials out there for making all kinds ofthings...but I have yet to find one for flowers that doesn’t terrify me.
So I’m here to help. Your wedding flowers make a hugestatement about who you are, and they only take about three hours. Of course,if you choose to do this, those three hours are going to be spent workingreally hard the day before your wedding.
Let’s start, shall we?

Buying Your Flowers

The first thing that you’re going to need are flowers. Thereare a number of places you can acquire them, including big box stores,florists, online, and your back yard. One thing that I learned was that youcannot mention the words ‘wedding’ (or anything related) if you want to get agood deal and not pick the flowers yourself.
Go and inquire about pricing for the quantity and types offlowers (don’t forget filler!!) that you want, and then ask about discounts.DIY is all about being frugal, remember.
Once you’ve secured your blooms, schedule their deliverythe day before your big day. Morning would be awesome.Then you need to find:
1. Florist tape
2. Florist pins
3. SHARP scissors
4. Ribbon
5. Florist wire
6. Accents (stones, get the idea)

Prepare Your Blooms

First of all, get some help. This task is easiest with 2 to3 people. Then...
Trim and feed your flowers. What this means is that you needto take off any leaves, and trim the stems on a diagonal. This is easiest ifyou set up an assembly line at your kitchen sink.
Once they’ve been trimmed, place the flowers into 5 gallonbuckets filled with room temperature water. This will ensure that they do notwilt, and that they open just a little. If you have a few blooms that you donot want to open further (think daisies), use ice water or stick the entirebucket in the fridge.

Assemble Your Bouquet

Once you’re all trimmed and watered, get set up to assembleyour bouquet. Make sure you have more blooms than you think you’ll‘em? Then let’s get on with the fun stuff!
To assemble your bouquet:
1. Have your tape, scissors, and wire handy.
2. Carefully choose 5-10 blooms to start your bouquet.
3. Arrange them in a half-ball shape, and tape themtogether. If you want them to really be secure, use a piece of florist wire,and stick it through the stems.
4. Now for the fun...continue adding blooms until youachieve the look you want, taping and wiring as you go.
5. Got saggy blooms? Use the florist wire to perk them up!Stick the end of the wire just below the head of the flower, and wrap theremainder of the wire around the stem, going down to help hold it upright. Thenadd it to your bouquet!
6. Once you’ve finished adding flowers, tape the entirebouquet between 2 and 4 inches.
7. Wrap a ribbon around the bouquet to hide the tape, andembellish with florist pins or glue on rhinestones and the like.

Then, admire your handiwork!!

Brea Gunn writes about the best Westchesterwedding venues.  Check out whatthese weddingbusiness marketing insiders have to share.