Suit you Sir; Cufflink Gifts for the Groomsmen

Grooms are great! As are their Groomsmen... but we'll all agree that while the devil is in the detail for us women when it comes to weddings, sometimes [just sometimes :) ], men's heads are focused... well elsewhere.

I've had Grooms and Groomsmen turn up in white and brown socks with their lovely black or grey suits/tuxes [ a big no, no]. I combat this by always having a couple of pairs of decent black men's socks in my bag of tricks.

Despite reminders the male contingent of a wedding party can still forget that its black shoes all around - so yes, I have been known to carry a pair or two of black men's shoes in my car. [But I find photo shopping works best here] - not everyone is a size 9 after all :)

And while I can tackle unruly hair with a comb and some gel and snip a few curly eyebrows with a nail scissors, the one area I can't [afford] or keep track of are cufflinks! This is why I always suggest that a great gift to give Grooms and Groomsmen the morning of the wedding [so there is no time to loose or forget them] are a set of cufflinks and when Paul Coyne of Nine Design stopped by the blog earlier in the week to say hello, I just had to feature some of his gorgeous work!

Paul is Irish [aren't all the best designers? ] and he creates some gorgeous handmade, unique modern contemporary jewellery. Don't take my word for it, see for yourself!

Gorgeous right?! Not only does the talented Paul make cufflinks but he also makes Pendants, Earrings and Golf Ball Markers too - gifts for the entire Wedding Party 'under one roof' - the convenience of it! 

To check out the full range of cufflinks designed and handmade by Paul at Nine Design [a total steal starting from just €26.77] and all the other gorgeous jewellery stop by The Nine Design Etsy Shop

Paul is an extremely busy Irish Designer and things at Nine Design are going from strength to strength. To keep up with Paul's wonderful life as a Jewellery Designer filled with launch parties, trips to international craft fairs and all the exciting new projects he has coming up you have to follow his blog

I'm especially excited to hear and [most importantly] see more of his new project: Bog Oak and Sterling Silver Jewellery! Perhaps he might even stop by again and share some of his new designs with us!