An Alternative way to choose your wedding flowers: by Star Sign!

Some brides choose wedding flowers based on colours. Some brides choose wedding flowers based on personal choice. Most brides choose wedding  flowers based on seasons. But there are some [not entirely sure how many] who choose their wedding flowers based on their star sign. Are you one of them?

I bet most of you are thinking.... what? Wedding flowers by star sign? Surely not! I kid not... not only are there specific flowers by star sign but colours too! Which Star Sign Bride are you?


 Flower Choices:

Blackthorn, Carnation, Fern, Furze, Gorse, Gysophilla, Holly, Poppy, Rose, Thistle, Wild Olive and Willow.

Best Colour: 

All shades of red

  Flower Choices:

Blackthorn, Cornflower, Daisy, Dandelion, Forget-Me-Not, Hawthorn, Lily, Rose, Willow

Best Colours:

Blue, Green and Pink

Flower Choices:

Airbrone Seeds, Chamomile, Freesia, Privet, Tansy, Yarrow, Yellow Iris, Yellow Tulip, Violet

Best Colours: 

Dove Grey, Green, Pale Yellow, Patterns, Spots

Flower Choices: 

Cedar, Hawthorn, Heather, Holly, Jasmine, Linden, Rushes, Watercress, Water Lily, White Day Lily

Best Colours:

Cream, Pale Shades

Flower Choices:

Almond, Apple Blossom, Chamomile, Dandelion, Holly, Lavender, Marigold, Tiger Lily, Sunflower

Best Colours: 

Pale Brown, Yellow, Gold

Flower Choices: 

Almost, Apple Blosson, Blackberry, Daisy, Grapewine, Lavender, Marguerite, Michaelmas Daisy, Privet, Sage, Wintergreen

Best Colours:

Indigo, Purple, Brown, Grey, Silver, Quiet Colours


Flower Choices:

Apple Blosom, Pansy, Primrose, Rosebud, Strawberry

Best Colours: 

Black and White, Pink, Primary Colours

 Flower Choices:

Black Poppy, Blackthorn, Bramble, Fuchsia, Orchid, Rose

Best Colours:

Black, Charcoal, Grey, Hemlock, Dark/ Blood Red

Flower Choices: 

Dahlia, Flame Coloured Gladioli, Red Carnation

Best Colours: 

Beige, Bronze, Denim Blue, Purple

Flower Choices: 

Blackberry, Black Poppy, Camellia, Hemlock, Magnolia, Sweet Pea, Wild Fruit

Best Colours: 

All shades of Brown, Orange and Black

Flower Choices:

Azalea, Gardina

Best Colours:

Electric blue, Fluorescent Colours, Silver, Grey

Flower Choices: 

Lotus, Water Lily, Rose

Best Colours: 

Aquamarine, Mauve, Purple, Sea Green

Hmmm ok I am sure, like me, you are thinking - really? few of these really inspire or appear to me as amazing combinations for wedding bouquets and arrangements and on the face of it, for some of these I would perhaps agree [a little] then again, as much as I love flowers [my name does mean little flower after all] I'm no floral designer - and these guys can do amazing work with just about anything! Remember that Daisy and Dandelion bouquet I featured a couple of weeks back?


                                                                 Source: via Bláithín on Pinterest

After all what is a weed, only a plant whose virtues have not been discovered!

Next up: Flowers by your birthday month! - I know you're excited!

Star Sign Images from Reason Pad