Birth Defects Vs Birth Injuries

Child development, so many things can go wrong. Gene would have a problem, the choice of the danger the child's mother, the disorder can cause disease, but can not guarantee the safety of giving birth, either. During delivery problems can also cause health problems throughout his life for the children. There are two main reasons for children's health problems, birth defects and birth injuries.

The term "birth trauma" and "birth defects" are not synonymous, birth trauma or birth defects. The main difference between the two things that cause problems. The birth injury occurs when a doctor or medical staff and midwives, the person or child abuse or mislead other child victims. This damage can be temporary or permanent.

Used during labor may cause damage to some students the tools. Forceps and vacuum cleaners can cause bruising and broken bones, including cephalohematomas, skull fractures, wounds, nerve damage, bleeding and other injuries. Furthermore, after the fall of tool misuse and permanent brain damage shaken baby syndrome, damage.

Brachial plexus birth of joint damage in a group of people were injured. The brachial plexus is a group run from the back and shoulders and hands. Controlling the movement of arms and feel your fingers. So, when the nerves during childbirth, or tear the tribe, it can cause paralysis, Klumpke paralysis Erb problem.

Brachial plexus injury usually shoulder dystocia, when a child in the birth canal will be maintained. If the doctor does not work great, and effectively use the correct action is to be free from babies, children can be temporary or permanent nerve injury.

On the other hand, does not directly cause birth defects and reckless disregard for the people. Centers for Disease Control estimates that one in 33 American children with birth defects each year suffer. They are infant mortality, claiming about 20% of deaths each year.

There are several reasons for congenital anomalies, including:

Genetics - achondroplasia, Marfan syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Thailand - Sachs

Environment - fetal alcohol syndrome, congenital rubella syndrome

Many factors - spina bifida, cleft palate

Although some birth defects are permanent, others can be treated with surgery or treatment, or at least help.

Although the control of birth defects, birth to prevent injury. If your doctor or medical negligence damages for child labor, you should contact a lawyer of choice. ......

Breast Cancer - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care

Brest cancer is one of the most common cancer among women with 41 000 cases are diagnosed each year about 300 people. The chances of developing breast cancer is higher in older women, but fewer of those who have children at an early age and breast-feed their children.

Breast cancer is early diagnosis and treatment, the better the chances of success. All women in the UK at the age of 50 and 69 are offered mammography every three years as part of the national selection. The purpose of this program is to identify breast cancer earlier and more successful treatment. Women older than 70 years may be required to take three annual and women to 49 years with a history of breast cancer in the family you can talk to your doctor if you have to start early.

For most women, breast cancer is first noticed as a painless mass in the chest. Other symptoms may include changes in size and shape of breasts, seal the breast tissue, skin lumps, swelling or lumps in the armpit and rash, nipple. Chest pain is usually not a symptom of breast cancer.

If the doctor examine his chest, and I think that cancer is present, the patient in a hospital, where tests are conducted can go to:

Mammography - a low dose of X-ray of the breast tissue

Ultrasound - the use of sound waves to create images of breast tissue

Color Doppler - shows to determine blood flow to the area around the difference between cancer and benign tumors

Needle (core) biopsy - a needle is used to remove a small sample of tissue from the affected area

Needle aspiration - a needle and syringe used for sampling cells, the affected area

Blood tests - general discussion to see how the liver and kidneys are working and check for cancer of chemical substances in the blood

A biopsy - surgery where the entire mass is removed and sent to the

One-stop clinics - the clinic, where all relevant tests and the results are processed together while you wait.

Treatment of breast cancer depends on the stage and grade of cancer, patient's age, regardless of whether that cancer cells have receptors for certain hormones and proteins, and tumor size have. Most breast cancer treated with surgery to remove tumors, all or part of the breast tissue removed at the same time, however, reconstructive breast surgery can be done at the initial operation or later. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy can be performed before surgery to reduce cancer. After surgery, radiation therapy is administered to ensure that any remaining cancer cells are destroyed.

Doctors calculate the likelihood that the cancer has spread or come back and most women, it is recommended to reduce the treatment with chemotherapy or hormonal therapy is the risk of cancer recurrence. For some women, there are treatments, but at different times.

6 Natural Ways to Cure Asthma - Cure Asthma Remedies

Asthma is a disease that takes your breath away, if not prevented in the first phase. Today is a man in a healthy environment that many new diseases, new ways to penetrate your body gives you. It is also unhealthy with the stress of work he and the food is the admission. It is bad in many obsessions, such as alcohol, smoking and drug use, just to relax your mind for a few seconds. Because of this behavior, it was a body of many diseases

There are many different teas, suggests that asthma can be cured naturally. You are not teas that come in tea bags, but are therapeutic teas, you would in a cup of tea.

- Chamomile is found mainly in tea and used as a natural treatment for asthma, many people say it helps you breathe. It is believed that the power level of chamomile to restore the strength of allergies to the point that the problems that can reduce the breath is caused by allergies are.

This is a natural element that opens the airways and also serves to reduce anxiety and panic. If you are concerned about how your breathing, which is more likely to aggravate symptoms of asthma. Take something you can highlight the opportunity that you panic and may help reduce asthma reduced.

- Omega fatty acids also used as a natural treatment for asthma, which will help the intake of Omega, as it will help, at a level of arachidonic acid, arachidonic acid may reduce asthma attacks cause. Yolks of seafood, meat and egg: This acid can be found in these foods

- Raisins: Eating raisins covered in water overnight. This is the best natural remedy for asthma and can significantly increase the respiration and circulation of air through the lungs.

- Garlic: This is a good choice and very useful for any type of asthma you need. Garlic cooked and added milk is a good natural relief for asthma.

- Vitamin C: If it helps 500 mg of vitamin C per day, the inflammation in the body, even if the daily dose of vitamin C may improve breathing.

- Avoid dust is a must for patients with asthma. Doing yoga breathing easier talking to your doctor to help you remove from asthma in the future.

- Avoid sleeping on a full stomach and not eat something serious when you go to bed. Stay away from certain foods can cause asthma. Do you have the habit of eating more fish because it reduces the status of their asthma. Cultivate the habit have exotic dishes such as fresh vegetables, fruits, intake of vitamins / minerals you can get away from asthma.

Cancer symptoms

Cancer is a disease of the cells is caused by abnormal cell growth. This means that the uncontrolled cell division and the ability of these cells to attack other tissues. Also, a malignant tumor, a cancer called.

Symptoms of cancer can occur in certain types of cancer are persistent bone pain, nausea, unusual bleeding, swelling in the breast, bladder habits changed, roughness continuously, swallowing, and many other.

Each type of cancer has its own symptoms. If a person of bladder and kidney cancer are suffering are its main symptoms frequent urination, blood in urine and pain while urinating. The main symptoms of breast cancer include swelling, soreness or pain, redness and nipple problems.

The symptoms of cervical cancer and endometrial cancer and are the same. The main symptoms are abnormal vaginal discharge, heavy and painful menstruation. The person is suffering from colon cancer has the following symptoms: bloody stool, change in bowel habits, diarrhea and constipation constantly. The main symptoms of leukemia include weight loss, fatigue, recurrent infections, nose bleeds and pain in bones and joints.

The symptoms of lung cancer include pain or heaviness in the chest, persistent cough and blood in the sputum. The symptoms of oral and throat cancer: ulcers on the tongue or throat, which is not curable.

Prostate cancer weakens the flow of urine, the patient may experience persistent pain in the pelvis and thigh. Tumors under the skin that are not healing, moles on the skin, the main cause of skin cancer. A person suffering from stomach cancer has the following symptoms on a continuous decline in body weight, blood while vomiting and pain after eating.

The main causes of cancer are weight loss and digestive enzymes, the presence of toxins in food, air and water, drug abuse, lack of minerals, vitamins, especially vitamin C and B6, hormonal differences, the pathogens that affect the immune system.

Asthma And Its Treatment

And found a large number of people with asthma tend to believe they have a kind of prison for life, when in fact most cases of asthma control. We know all there is to understand your application if you have asthma, you can control your disease.

In asthma, the most important treatment is to avoid irritants. What causes asthma asthma triggers, and there are many common triggers.

However, many patients with asthma often settings, they lead to other patients who may suffer from asthma, to find the key to your release, you can try to avoid them. Therefore, working with suppliers of health services is as much as possible to ensure that you control asthma triggers, such as keys.

The most important treatment for asthma and quick Help Medicines Control helps prevent attacks against the simultaneous ingestion of drugs. Among the fight against drugs is necessary if you have moderate to severe asthma have, even if you feel well and healthy.

Many patients stop their medication errors against asthma and the control unit, and when I feel good, this problem is that the attacks may be more frequent and more severe. If asthma is very easy, you can use one medication immediate help, and if you have an asthma attack, and can be.

Often, the root of the problem was inhaled drug that is commonly used as soon as possible in the treatment of asthma, it is drugs, such as short-acting agonists such as Ventolin, beta, in particular. Other drugs, including rapid relief and Alupent MaxAir that terbutaline and a bronchodilator.

When people started coughing and wheezing or tightness in the chest and usually take quick relief or rescue medicine. They are usually very effective in most cases (not fast enough to take it) is to prevent asthma attacks.

Preventive medications emergency / quick work of the muscles of your flight, your breathing relaxed so much easier, and there is an asthma attack. The rule of thumb, if you know that you are taking rapid relief of more than twice a week, and asthma is not under control, you need to talk to a healthcare provider may change the dose slightly. You must "run" is not the drug, it is particularly important to always have a good supply on hand to prepare in case he needs.

The earthquake, mainly taken in large doses to save the fast side effects of drugs against asthma, anxiety and irritability, they also have heart problems, and negative, so it is important that you realize your doctor about any health problems that you may have, especially if they are in essence the heart.

Asthma control asthma medication is usually relatively easy, and inhalation, symptoms and attacks, but if very serious, such as drugs, steroids can be taken orally. For Vanceril, Azmacort, including inhalation of Pulmicort, control and AeroBid Joint Flovent drug.

Control of drugs against asthma affecting quality assurance of effective management of your asthma for life, so there is no discount. They work because they have a respiratory infection and swelling, also known as anti-inflammatory known to avoid.

This is the priority when a person with asthma, the need to fight against drugs, they set conditions to ensure that the symptoms and keep asthma attacks at the lowest possible is considered necessary.

Asthma is a shame, but was not sentenced to life imprisonment, and many patients with asthma, a satisfying and productive lives, we find that their asthma is only a minor inconvenience, most of time.

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